
Risk Assessment Proposal

The Australian Security Leaders Climate Group calls upon the Australian Government to conduct a Whole-of-Nation Climate and Security Risk Assessment.

An overdue task. It has been more than three years since the Final Report of the Senate Inquiry into the Security Implications of Climate Change recommended this action. Australia’s last national security risk assessment was conducted in 2013. Australian governments, up until now, have not conducted a comprehensive climate and security risk assessment.

A necessary undertaking. Australia does not have coherent, let alone integrated, strategies for areas such as energy, economy, transport/logistics, health, industry, agriculture, research and environment. The result is a reactive, piecemeal approach to addressing critical risks such as climate change, economic crises, pandemics and conflict.

An urgent priority. Australia is falling behind its allies, and is failing in its responsibilities as a global citizen, as a major strategic defence ally, and to its own people. We are ill-prepared for climate impacts and the security implications in one of the highest risk regions in the world, the Indo-Pacific.


We urge the Australian Government to take a whole-of-nation approach to risk. The objectives:

  • A national assessment of climate-security risks by the Australian Government, based on the following principles:
    o Open and transparent;
    o Inclusive, with diversity of participation;
    o Identifying the worst, as well as most likely, cases;
    o Considering the full range of probabilities;
    o Using the best available information;
    o Integrated — taking a holistic view.
  • A national, connected, whole-of-nation understanding of the implications, risks and opportunities of climate change.
  • Mitigation, restoration and adaptation pathways to build resilience for local and global protection.
  • Sound preparedness to manage risks.

ASLCG will use its expert network to facilitate and accelerate a national climate and security risk conversation by:

  • Engaging groups from diverse sectors;
  • Mapping a national risk eco-system, to build in and connect existing risk efforts;
  • Envisioning future scenarios;
  • Building awareness and capacity in scenario learning and risks analysis of existential climate and security risk.

ASLCG stands ready to support the Australian Government in conducting a whole-of-nation climate and security risk assessment.

Implementation Proposal

